San Francisco Engagement


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these two know how to have fun . and their relationship is something built from a devoted friendship . they know eachother backwards + forwards, loving eachother for who they are, no strings attached . this isn’t something we talked about really, its just something I witnessed + admired about them during the two days spent with them in San Fransisco . they flew me out to SF to capture them in a city they both love + adore, and we all stayed together in a quite unique airbnb .

we spent our time together mostly eating + drinking, with some adventures and photos throughout . champagne + oysters along the bay, a tour at a local brewery, thai takeout, Chinatown strolling, more champagne (& some unwarranted swimming) along black sands beach, and ended the night at Muir Woods, followed by letting loose at a chic, retro bar .

this was such a fun trip, and I love making these types of bonds with my couples . where we can just be ourselves + be weird +  have fun + capture the passion/fun between them simply because they’re being their truest selves .

james + amanda, you guys are the best . can’t wait for your wedding this year and more good times to come <3